Ball Pit | Teen Ink

Ball Pit

October 3, 2014
By AWilcox BRONZE, Park City, Utah
AWilcox BRONZE, Park City, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love poetry." -Alexa Wilcox (me)

Sometimes I wish I could be six again
Santa’s overflowing sleigh filled with toys on my roof top
Princess castles in every wooden play set
Carefully scribbling wishes on balloons
Soft grass beneath me as I watch them disappear into the sky
Costumes transforming you into different people

I want nothing more than to say
I’m still at child at heart
But after knowing you I’ve realized I’m not
You’re a ball pit
Open 1800’s dictionary you’re the definition ignorant fun
Pieces of you flying in every direction
pure mayhem
At six I would have adored that
Sunshine yellow
Fire engine red
Cosmic blue
stretching out grasping every eye
Six year olds recognize a regal prince
but you own not an ounce of nobility
At six there’s no use in questioning your colored spheres
Now I did without thought
in examining everything you are
suddenly I was glad I’m no longer adolescent
For injury would have streaked my face
because they’re grenades

Seemingly innocent you fooled pretty much everyone
Congratulations, I guess
At least kids don’t know you’re a terrorist weapon
Seeing light in your eyes they think “shooting star!”
I backed away knowing we’re only about to be singed
And was smart enough to run

Although if hurting others brings you joy
I say blow up!
Clear your jealousy fogged thoughts
Just know all of the skin you blister will heal
and pain helps people grow up to be so much more
then you amounted to be
everyone will leave you in an abandoned mall someday
never to visit
never to dust you
you won’t know what to do when
heads don’t even swiveling in your direction when people sneeze
‘cause in the end you’re just a child’s toy longing for attention
Equivalent to colored plastic
so unless you’re gonna grow up
remember child’s toy’s

The author's comments:

Eventhough you don't know who this poem is about, hopefully you can realate it to someone. 

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