Grandma | Teen Ink


September 26, 2014
By vera-s SILVER, Huntington, New York
vera-s SILVER, Huntington, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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whether you can or can't, you're right

An angel whisperd in her ear

so delicately only she can hear

she took its hand

they disappeared,

into oblivion like once i feared

though you're okay, i beg and i prey

that you'll come down again somday

we'll laugh and cry untill we can't

and i will recant the words i said

then i'll let you carry on

to your journey far beyond

only this time i won't be scared

i would hold your hand

and set you free

let the angel take you away from me

you'll have a new home way up there

and i'll sit and pray for you

in you dusty antique armchair

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