Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2014
By 5Ferro GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
5Ferro GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from #2 pencils, Chevrolet, and worn down Nikes,
From welcoming leather hands,
Freshly cut grass, dirt trails and walnut trees

I am from movie marathons, and self motivation,
From Jennifer, Steph, and Ferro,
I am from 8 hour car rides, sunburns and freckles,
From giving my best, and swallowing failed plans

I am from black ash crosses,
I am from Evanston Illinois, Italian cuisine, and charcoal fresh hamburgers,
I am from Chicago’s roar, Wisconsin’s green blanket, and winter’s breath

I am from secluded summers on Kellys Island,
From hotel tag with Sam and Cory,
From earthquakes of footsteps, and doors flying by,
From busy summer days and late winter nights

I am from #2 pencils, Chevrolet, and worn down Nikes,
From giving my best, and swallowing failed plans,
I am from Chicago’s roar, Wisconsin’s green blanket, and winter’s breath

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