Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 16, 2014
By Bradson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Bradson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from pools and diving boards,
from trees and fields.
From bike rides and laughing with friends.

I am from brown paint and large windows,
from walls and triangular roofs.
From square-rooms and open foyers.

I am from ink-black words and thick pages,
from bonfires in the summertime and scary ghost stories.
From laps in the pool and explorations of trees.

I am from ruling kindness and respect,
from Commandments and righteousness.
From happiness and optimism.

I am from human anatomy in seventh grade and roller blading around school walls for gym class,
from A+ book reports and locker-lined middle school.
From studying for math tests and staying up to write essays.

I am from making sugar cookies with Grandma and seeing relatives,
from laughing with cousins and making jokes with parents.
From flying on planes to see aunts and uncles and complaining when it is time to go.

I am from Scott and Beth,
from being babysat by Alyssa and playing with her brother Brett.
From telling “Yo Mama” jokes with Jake and pulling all-nighters with Matt.

I am from red hair and Sunkist-colored freckles,
from white skin and blue eyes.
From heights and strength.

I am from water and jumps,
from lumber and pastures.
From riding my Schwinn and joking with friends.

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