Love Is Selfless | Teen Ink

Love Is Selfless

September 7, 2014
By JadenJ BRONZE, Newton, Kansas
JadenJ BRONZE, Newton, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I really don't know what 'I love you' means. I think it means 'don't leave me here alone'."

I sould have begged you to stay.

I sould have gotten on my knees

And asked about always.

I would have reminded you, had my lips not been sewn,


You promised, you promised

You wouldn’t leave me here alone.

I should have demanded answers.

I should have asked you


But instead

I swallowed my tears

And I whispered


I should’ve gotten angry.

I should’ve screamed

I should’ve raged.

I should’ve thrown your meaningless

Words right back in your face.

I should’ve ripped our pictures

Off your wall

And wiped the tears

Beginning to fall.

I should’ve spit your broken promises

All over the floor.

But instead I turned around

And I walked out the door.

I should’ve reminded you of all

The good times we had.

All the times I wiped your tears

When you were too sad.

I should’ve made you remember

When we couldn’t get enough

When we kissed and held hands

When we





I should’ve told you that I’m broken

And I’m scared to be alone

But instead, because I love you,

I just

Let you


The author's comments:

Idk man it seems pretty self explanitory. 

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