Panic Attack | Teen Ink

Panic Attack

August 27, 2014
By RaquelBrown201 BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
RaquelBrown201 BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


         I fear.

Disappointment, blunder, absolute disaster.

                        I am afraid.

Frightened, disturbed, down-right concerned.

        I will falter.

Intimidated, distressed, over-run and beaten down.

          I will never be accepted.

The stress of every day

        The stress of school

The stress of sports

        The stress of parents

The stress to be perfect

                      All the time. 

The author's comments:

I get panic attacks every so often when the pressures of life really start to get me down. This verse really helped me release the emotions that run through me mid-attack.

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