When Can I See You Again? | Teen Ink

When Can I See You Again?

August 9, 2014
By Nightcore14 BRONZE, Oxnard, California
Nightcore14 BRONZE, Oxnard, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Even in darkness your lips taste of sunshine&rdquo; <br /> ― Francesca Lia Block, Psyche in a Dress

I was told to wear black for Death
Everyone knows I wear black weddings
So I wear white instead
I don't show up to your funeral
Instead I head to the lake where you and I
planned one day we would spend every day
together as lovers but you soon left
I walk into the dark water but it isn't cold
I wonder why?
I look up to see the stars
I wonder if you can see me from Earth?
Where those tears the tears you weep for my lost?
I wish you were here instead of up there in the sky.
Have my eyes decisive me?
I thought I saw you standing in front of me
dressed in white as your smile brighten my night
your dark hair was a mess and your green eyes haven't changed
Tears weaved in my eyes
I run into the deep part of the water and into your arms
Your body is cold as ice but I can still hear your hear
Is this all real?
I hope it is.
"Love, it has been far to long. When Can I see you again?"
I weep into his shirt
"Soon, my darling. Soon..."
He placed a kiss on my lips and placed a small object
in the pocket of my white dress.
When I open my eyes he was gone but what he left hadn't.
It was small and sliver and much like a small halo
only meant for your fingers.
Soon... Soon... I will see you soon...
I whisper the words holding the ring to my lips and weep

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