07/26/14 - 10:48 a.m. | Teen Ink

07/26/14 - 10:48 a.m.

August 1, 2014
By KayAnn PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
KayAnn PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
27 articles 24 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I just wanna be able to sing like the birds, not worrying who hears or what they think

I always try to hold on, fight for the things I want
I mean when things get bad we just say we're gonna fall back
but that's the problem with our generation
we're never strong enough to stay and fight for someone
and I've been doing that all my life
the universe have brought some peculiar people to me who have hurt me
but I still understood her deeds and I gave them a second chance
cause second chances are like the rainbow after rain
everyone deserves to experience it
but lately I've been tired of holding on
my grip has been loosening
and I didn't want to let go in fear of disappointing the universe
but today I heard her say "LET GO"
why hold on to something that has let you go
why sacrifice your strength for someone who is weak
release, baby, release
and I did
I never saw this coming
the universe never saw this coming
I am spent, withering I need to let go
release, baby, release
so I did

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