Echoes, Echoes | Teen Ink

Echoes, Echoes

June 4, 2014
By mollyanne BRONZE, Wyoming, Ohio
mollyanne BRONZE, Wyoming, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”
― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Did you hear that?
A sound?
It's familiar
But no one's around

Has someone noticed I'm gone?
Has someone heard my call?
Has someone found me?
There it is again

I hear crying
I hear screaming
I hear sighing
I hear weeping

Maybe one day I'll see
All I'm hearing is me
Echoes, echoes
Are all there'll ever be

The author's comments:
Loneliness is a feeling that demands to be felt. Once it creeps in, it stays until someone is strong enough to bring it back out. I hope this poem helps people relate to their own feeling of loneliness.

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