Getting My Transcript | Teen Ink

Getting My Transcript

May 29, 2014
By Kirtonos BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Kirtonos BRONZE, Plano, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." ~Maya Angelou

My heart pumped in my chest
I stormed down the stairs
No one mattered in that moment.
Sophomores laughing
Freshmen crying
People in my way

Gome! Gome! Gome!
My heart beat like an African drum
From my head to my toes
My whole body felt numb

The table awaited me
The woman beckoning us over
The line was a thousand miles long.
As it wound down
I approached the table
Now, this was my moment

Gome! Gome! Gome!
My heart beat like an African drum
From my head to my toes
My whole body felt numb

The paper in my hand
I was finally satisfied,
Anxious for my rank
And the fate that lie in the envelope.
I felt the seemingly innocent paper unfurl in my hands
Who knew its words were evil?

Gome! Gome! Gome!
My heart beat like an African drum
From my head to my toes
My whole body felt numb

Yes, 105.
The lowest rank of my friends.
One of my friends was 99,
The other 31
I couldn’t believe it

Gome! Gome! Gome!
My heart beat like an African drum
From my head to my toes
My whole body felt numb

My heart was shattered
None of my work had mattered

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