Regret | Teen Ink


May 28, 2014
By londyn.ash BRONZE, Liberty Township, Ohio
londyn.ash BRONZE, Liberty Township, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I should've warned you when I got the chance,
That only evil could bring about this pain you feel.
Hate. It's the only thing that ties me to you.
Just like a rose on a thorn, the prick of love bleeds from your fingertip.
I'm haunted by the sight of your tears.
I'm startled by the emptiness that I feel when you are gone.
There is nothing to do but sit, lie, and regret.
I should've warned you when I got the chance,
That our beginning would only be the end.
I can only apologize and it's not enough.
My lies pushed you off the cliff of life.
And all I can do is sit, lie, and regret.

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