Herley | Teen Ink


May 24, 2014
By kfrallicciardi BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
kfrallicciardi BRONZE, Coconut Creek, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1.All the worlds a story,
each person with their own chapter varying in size.
Every character, animal and human alike, bringing both joy and sorrow
Like a gift in disguise she entered my story,
5. Shining a ray of light on my once dull life.
Big eyes full of mischief, soft black fur with splotched of white,
thin twitching whiskers, and the grace of a gymnast.
A kitten a little girl could only hope for.
Excitement fills my house as our kitten arrives.
10. Shaking at the sight of her new home, her walk, like a baby's first steps,
cautious and clumsy at first then full of confidence
Times of cuddles and laughter ensue, sweet memories adding joy to our chapters in life
Adorable kittens covered in fluffy, licorice fur suddenly brought to this world,
and then given away to bring more joy.
15. Then mischief came in the form of claw marks on a curious infant brother,
banning her to the outdoors
Love continues as grotesque gifts are placed at my door,
appreciated but unwanted.
Our lives further entwine like a large ball of yarn.
20.Years passed, her figure that of an elegant cat, her intelligence
surpassing that of a humans, bringing joy to every person who crossed her path.
Now known and loved by all, the treats and cuddles never cease
But times presses on, and her pace slows down,
her once luscious fur now covered in grey,
25. her kind behavior now tainted with stubbornness.
Our lives distance slowly like the sun setting on a distant hill,
sadness follows as she disappears never to be seen again.
Thus her chapter ends adding a cloud of sorrow to mine.
Although she is gone, the joy she brought remains in our memories,
30. a never ceasing love

The author's comments:
This piece is dedicated to my first cat Herley.

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