First Love | Teen Ink

First Love

May 12, 2014
By ClaraC BRONZE, Micco, Florida
ClaraC BRONZE, Micco, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First Love
Clara Castor
Publication Possibility
May 12, 2014

First love is painful.

First love is true.

First love is grateful.

All I think is you.

Starting with the flower.
“Does he love me? Does he love me not?”

Words with unbelievable power.

With one look, I was surely caught.

I was unsure.

Did you even notice me?

“Oh lord, give me the cure!”

That was my one and only plea.

But then I saw you staring.
Hesitantly, I waved,

You waved back; eyes caring.

My insides caved.

It was undeniable, unavoidable; like morning dew.

Because first love is painful
First love is true.
First love is grateful.
My first love was you.

The author's comments:
This poem, although I wrote it this year, is not about a person I met this year. I did have someone in mind while writing it, but the poem is meant for the few who came before that certain person. This poem is dedicated to all the young girls who feel like they will never be anything more than friends with the person they feel they love.

Love, Clara

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