My Dearest Friend | Teen Ink

My Dearest Friend

May 11, 2014
By vikiilam BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
vikiilam BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is another beautiful sunset
With the sun so bright2
And the clouds so fiery
But it does not seem like the sky it used to be

How are you doing?
My dearest friend
My life is no longer the same
Neither who I am

I did not dare looking into your eyes
With tears covering your pupils
Why did you have to leave?
Leaving me here so lonely

I watched you born
And I have seen you grow
We used to be the best brothers
Do you still remember?

We ran through the wind
And we galloped in the rain
We used to be the best partners
Do you still remember?

I dream of you often
The images of you appeared disconnectedly
Your mane, your tail, your crest
I will never forget

No one else would ever replace you
My dearest friend
Though I believed you would never leave
I now wish you rest in peace

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