Relatively Speaking | Teen Ink

Relatively Speaking

May 11, 2014
By roboctopus BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
roboctopus BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What if time moved slower
for you than the rest?
Strange as that may be,
couldn’t it also be said
that it was just faster for them?

These concepts, while foreign,
are important to employ
if you are to really understand the world.
Point of view may seem
like a simple change in mindset,
but it is much more than that,
as it’s physically true.

I was once told that when a rainbow is in the sky,
what you see is unique to only you
simply because of the physics of light.
That is true everywhere as well,
that all people see is not necessarily what they want to see,
but it is what they see and no one else is seeing the same.

Knowing this changes a plethora of things
that are no longer true when changing the observer.
All this holds true for all circumstances,
well, relatively speaking.

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