Cliffhanger | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Natalie Corey BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
Natalie Corey BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was slipping .
My fingers,
shaking with the strain of holding my whole body up.
I didn't have the strength.
I struggled to climb back onto the ledge
trying to grab the railing but my fingers slipped
as if it the bars were made of butter instead of metal.
I yelled for help.
Screamed until my throat went raw.
No one heard me.
They stood mere feet away,
no one heard, no one saw.
They talked and they laughed and every once in a while they'd smile at me as if I weren't slipping further and further over the edge.
My arms were shaking.
I didn't have the will to hold on any longer.
I was alone, no one wanted to help
I didn't want to be a bother.
I nearly uncurl my fingers
A jarring buzz jerked me awake. Disorientation clogged my brain but by habit
I picked up my phone.
The bright like on a little screen hurt my eyes,
though I'd only been gone for moments.
The buzz had been a message.
"I believe in you. <3
You can do this."
Maybe I wouldn't let go just yet.

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