My Mom | Teen Ink

My Mom

May 6, 2014
By Paige9612 SILVER, Spring City, Tennessee
Paige9612 SILVER, Spring City, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I want to take the time to say,
you are amazing.
You went through painful hours of labor,
just to bring me into the world.
You nursed me back to health,
every time i was sick.
Every birthday party and recital,
you gave it your all your time.

You put my needs first,
never once did i hear you complain.
Only now, after many years,
am i becoming grateful.
It may have took time,
through many laughs and fights,
but now i can see
how much you sacrificed for me.

You are amazing,
one of a kind,
I am so glad that i can call you,

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem for my mom for Mother's Day.

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