Blinded by the Truth | Teen Ink

Blinded by the Truth

April 30, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I knew I was in love
He knew I was in love too
I knew we would be together forever
He said that I would one day say I do

I am still in high school
He was now in college
I said I will miss you
He said we will stay in touch

I called him everyday
He always went to voice mail
I decided to surprise him
He was kissing somebody else

I am getting played
He was making plays
I am left alone
He has moved on

I am carrying his baby
He is not staying
I said I do
He said I don't

I should have known
He asked if I was grown
I said I could handle it
He said okay

I thought I was ready
He knew it was wrong
I said I was grown
He said I love you

I love him
He don't love me
I thought it was meant to be
He don't want no baby

I'm not grown
He is grown
I am a single mother at 16
He is a dead beat father at 21

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