As a Woman | Teen Ink

As a Woman

April 26, 2014
By Anonymous

As a Woman
As women, we are seen as merely the outlet for the desires of men.
As women we are measured by our looks, not our accomplishments.
As a woman I am seen as a number, my number is 135, all that matters is the number of pounds I carry.
As a woman I am seen as cheaper, I will be paid 77 cents to every dollar a man will earn just because I produce estrogen and he, testosterone.
As a woman I am seen as a sl*t, if I am to wear shorts to school it is predetermined that I will be told to cover up, to be ashamed of my body,
Or to be catcalled and harassed just because I dare to show skin.
As women we must be beautiful, flawless skin, body, and face are a must, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, no exceptions.
As a woman I am undervalued, my self-expression is seen as attention seeking and my attempts at conformity are seen as trying too hard.
As a woman, I want to be valued; I want people to aspire to be like me.
As a woman, I want to be seen as equal.
I want to be seen the same as a man,
No predetermined judgments about who I am based on my gender,
The way I dress,
or the forms of self expression I use.
as a woman, I am a human, and I want to be seen as such.

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