Whatever Floats Your Boat | Teen Ink

Whatever Floats Your Boat

April 9, 2014
By KittttyyyKat12345 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
KittttyyyKat12345 GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Expect worst, hope for the best

Annoy me as you will.

Stab my feelings,

Probe my heart,

Reaction is your desire.

I will still have a smile on my face.

Argue with my beliefs,

believing mine are stupid.

You look at me like I’m an ignorant four year old,

Look in the mirror.

Rehearse the lines to make your argument perfection

And sharpen your nails for a fight that won't happen.

I will stand my ground,

And give you space to dwell in your thoughts.

Shuffle through the hall,

Call me a friend with your purr for a voice.


I thought friends talked daily.

Say what you will.

Click clack click clack,

Strutting down the hallways

you don’t own them and never will.

With your friends you whisper about the person who wouldn’t conform,

With a flip of your Pantene conditioned hair.

The scent entrances the audience,

To agree to whatever you say,

"She's such a brat,”

You are the hypocrite.

Too caught up in your own hemisphere to look at the

Damage you leave behind.

As you smooth out your cashmere sweater,

Not looking at me as you talk.

I will listen and decipher

Lies and truth,

From just looking into your eyes

I will always know.

Mock me as you will

I answer questions,

because I come to learn,

Not put on a show.

Fake stupidity just isn't my forte.

I try because I care.

You don't because raising your hand would make you stand out.

Scared to get ripped to shreds by vicious animals

We call people.

So wrapped up in a foul smelling world.

I laugh because I love the force against gravity pulling my lips up.

You think you have the power of holding it down.

I will laugh at your acting skills

Of what maturity is.

Swipe your finger across the unscratched iPod, Snapchat your so called friends

When I'm sitting by you.

Fake your emotions with your gravity potent smile soon everyone will

See beneath.

Think what you will,
As will I.

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