Agoraphobic | Teen Ink


April 4, 2014
By CassieRoss BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
CassieRoss BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
1 article 8 photos 6 comments

I sit in the foyer all huddled in a blanket.
I'm going out the door; I'm going to close it.
I steel my nerves and take a chance.
I fling open the door and sigh on first glance.

The graphics are awful; my character sucks.
The sun in so bright; I'm having no luck.
I pull my blanket tighter over my head.
I'm very hot, but I'll feel vulnerable instead.

I want cry and standing hurts.
My breathing increases; I'm on high alert.
My knees tremble and my hands shake.
I want to collapse, but then I'll look weak.

People go on with their daily lives,
And I'm over here, breaking down on the inside.
My fear takes over; I nearly shut down.
But a thought occurs, and I push up from the ground.

I stand up straighter and compose myself.
If I face my fear, I'll get out of this hell.
I don't have more lives; I don't have extra health,
But if I do this today, I'll be a hero to myself.

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