Drowning | Teen Ink


March 27, 2014
By B...U... BRONZE, Hemet, California
B...U... BRONZE, Hemet, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." - Nelson Mandela

I’m drowning in all the assessments,

drowning in all the high expectancies,

in the decreasing of my grade point average.

But I try my hardest,

working a job right after school,

I try to do my work but I somehow seem to forget

a homework task or two.

But you see we just drown ,

and drown,

and drown,

till we can’t take it and quit one or the other.

Now i won’t get paid cash ,

but atleast I’ll get paid in education.

It’s the smarter thing to do.

People drown,

and drown.

But just swim back up,
and get air.

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