My Final Goodbye | Teen Ink

My Final Goodbye

March 24, 2014
By Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It felt like time had stopped
On that late autumn's day
When the news had finally reached me
That he took his life away

At first I didn't believe it
But when it finally sunk in
My world seemed to fall apart
And my head started to spin

There was no one to turn to
Because no one understood
The pain that I was going through
And no one ever would

The day had finally come
To say goodbye to my best friend
Before he was laid to rest
I didn't want this to be the end

I put on my best clothes
And tried to pull myself together
I knew this was going to be a long day
And I would remember it forever

The silence in the car was deafening
I didn't feel like listening to a song
It was only 45 miles to Saegertown
But in reality it felt so long

As I looked out the wind
And saw the sun shine through the trees
All I could think of was Jordan
And how I wished it wouldn't be

We finally pulled into the parking lot
Of the church where his funeral was at
The receiving line went on and on
Such a shame to gather for that

Seeing the amount of people
Made me feel much less alone
Although I was grieving with strangers
I had never felt more at home

His mother's pain was unbearable
Ad his father couldn't stay strong
People tried to console them
But everything felt so wrong

I turned back one last time
For my final goodbye
When I saw a hawk up above
Circling beautifully in the sky

I know that Jordan is still with me
Even though his body is gone
Because whenever I see a hawk
I know his soul lives on

The author's comments:
Last year, I suffered through the loss of my best friend who took his own life at the age of 16. This is my story of his funeral and saying goodbye one last time.

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