Mother Earth | Teen Ink

Mother Earth

March 17, 2014
By tygerpoet999 GOLD, Duncan, South Carolina
tygerpoet999 GOLD, Duncan, South Carolina
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mother Earth, Mother Earth
Whose fragile features
Plate her face
Her long golden wheat-y locks
Braided with seeds
And feeds the mice
“A Feast!” they cry

Mother Earth, Mother Earth
Delicate, her children walk
Upon her clay cheeks
She weeps with happiness
And creates puddles for them
To splash and play

Mother Earth, Mother Earth
Her best friend and worst enemy
Her own creator
Father Time
Who gives her so many hours
To play with her earthen kin
But takes them away all too soon

Mother Earth, Mother Earth
Must treasure the memories
Takes only a seed
A keepsake
To store on her mantel
Until a hungry mouse creeps by

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