Merely a Ghost | Teen Ink

Merely a Ghost

March 13, 2014
By LillianBerryman BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
LillianBerryman BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fear is only a trick of the mind.

I am stuck in a stage.
I am just a ghost.
No one can see me, no one can hear me.
My soul hears you aloud, yet does not care.
I see right through you, yet I am blind.

The falseness of a porcelain doll,
nests deep inside you.
I know the using,
you're doing.
I'm not your slave,
nor will I ever be.

I cry to myself,
feelings hidden,
deeper than your fraudulence.

You say you know me,
but we fight a lot.
You say you understand me,
but I know not how.
You say you love me,
but I cannot believe you.
You say you'll always protect me,
but you're the one who always hurts me

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