LIKE HER | Teen Ink


March 10, 2014
By El-friedah BRONZE, Mississauga, Ontario
El-friedah BRONZE, Mississauga, Ontario
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
How can you move forward if you keep regretting the past?

He said if only you were different
If only you were more like her
They said bleach your skin because it is too dark
When light skins walk they don’t make dogs bark
He said “why is your hair short? You look prettier with it long and wavy”
I want to be able to walk down the street and call you my baby
Why are your boobs too small? You are too damn skinny
I knew it was only the beginning,
Why are you too fat? You should spend a month in the gym
But why all the questions and suggestions…
ALL my days spending time looking at fashion magazines, dieting pills and taking in your rejection
As if you can create a strand of hair on my body
In Genesis 1:27 God created man in his own image…not anyone’s image
HIS own image…
I am tired of society and trying to be the image they want us all to be
But now I can see, I know I’ll be free from the chains of conformity
Because every day I scrub my skin till it bleeds it still remains dark
When I look in the mirror, I say to myself you are beautiful even with my scars
I am different and it is clear I am not her.

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