"The It" | Teen Ink

"The It"

March 10, 2014
By Olivia72310 SILVER, El Dorado, Kansas
Olivia72310 SILVER, El Dorado, Kansas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A painter paints his pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence. We provide the music and you provide the silence." - Leopold Stockowski

There is something in my presence
I don’t know what it is.
It creeps into my happy world
Dares my reason to live.

Crawling out from the shadows
It embodies the people I love.
It haunts, taunts and torments me
As if the damage won’t be enough.

I feel as if it craves me
It provides me a world of pain.
As it starts to break my state of mind
I realize this is no game.

At first it starts out slowly
Observes as my life flies by.
And as it learns what makes me tick
It begins its satanic lie.

It tries to poke and prod me
Just testing my tolerance of pain.
My predator is about to steal my sanity
Which I know is impossible to regain.


It deals out card number one
As the beginning of its master plan.
It slaps me in the face with harsh reality
Using its rough and unforgiving hand.

I try to gain my balance
As it shows me what is to be.
I see hatred, spite, malicious people
Please say this isn’t for me.

It turns the page of the book
It placed inside of my head
I see all my imperfections highlighted
Most of the page is stained red.

My mind scrambles for a way
To fix what I know is the truth
And just as my demon seems to want
I realize... It’s simply no use.


As my reality comes back into vision
And “It” floats away from my world
I know there’s a smile on “It’s” devilish face
Knowing it has left me a broken girl.

I think and wonder as I lay in the dark
“Was I really just an honest mistake?”
And just then, “It” sends me the list
Too much for my mind to take.

As my thoughts finally start to clear
I begin to register a strange noise
“You pathetic, weak, useless little girl”
I know now that “It” had a voice.

I curl up as I cry and I shake
I’m becoming truly and madly scared.
What if “It” is right? “It’s” coming for me.
And now “It” knows I’m not even prepared.


Before I get the chance to look up
I’m thrown across the room
My head hits the wall with pain
And I know I’ll be in the dark soon.

As I drift out of consciousness
And begin to feel at peace
My head is flooded with “It’s” presence
It seems he has my mind on his leash

Silently I sit and I listen
As “It” describes my future.
Whether I truly have one anymore
I can say I am no longer sure

“It" told me many things
But the one that made me scream
“I can and will make a living hell
Out of the sweetest of your dreams”


I no longer have my escape to sleep
“It” is taking over my life
I know that I’m not as strong as I think
I can no longer keep up this strife.

I run and grab a bottle of pills
Knowing they will provide enough harm
I lie there and fade for the last time in my life
As “It” gathers me into his arms.

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