Within You | Teen Ink

Within You

March 11, 2014
By palinsdrome BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
palinsdrome BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blackbird, blackbird, thick as blood, mysterious as the sea, dark as night.
Fly through fire and receive the burns, charring your brilliant feathers
As clever as a raven, powerful as a crow, wise as a hawk and yet
You let your ambitions fly away in the winds of spark--the winds of desire.
Look to your kin, your dove, patient as a swan, powdered white from the ashes of the aftermath.
Claws raking the earth my blackbird, sharpen your talons for the fires
Breath in your realm of smoke and accept your fate, for they show mercy to no one.
And watch, dear blackbird, as your whole world brightens, like the night sky fell apart and all that is left are the stars, stars within you.
Oh dear blackbird, my love, why must your heart leap like a flame?

The author's comments:
Inspired by someone in particular.

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