Billion Trillion Plus More | Teen Ink

Billion Trillion Plus More

March 3, 2014
By Michaela Linquist BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Michaela Linquist BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A billion trillion plus more stars in the sky
I see them all
every single night
Time after time
A billion trillion plus more stars in the sky 
I truly wish when they fall
I wish that I could take flight
Time after time
A billion trillion plus more stars in the sky 
And I want to swing on a star
Go on a great adventure just for...well
Time after time
A billion trillion plus more stars in the sky 
I will cary moonlight home in a jar
So everyone I tell
Time after time
Will know I was among the billion trillion plus more stars in the sky

The author's comments:
About the stars.

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