Dream | Teen Ink


March 1, 2014
By JadenJ BRONZE, Newton, Kansas
JadenJ BRONZE, Newton, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I really don't know what 'I love you' means. I think it means 'don't leave me here alone'."

Dream, my child,
For dreaming is everything.
To dream is to love
To inspire
To adventure in the never ending world
Of your imagination.
Dream to your heart’s content.
Dream of the good and the bad,
The laughter and the tears.
Of the joy and the love,
The anger and the sorrow.
Dream of something that means
Dream of anything that makes you feel
Because feeling something
Is the most important something of all.
Because in the end
Your dreams
Are all you have left.
Because above all, to dream is to hope.
And hope is the most powerful force
Mankind could ever believe in.

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