Same Old Fishing Trip | Teen Ink

Same Old Fishing Trip

February 26, 2014
By AndrewEgge SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
AndrewEgge SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Arriving at the lake, after unloading all that is need into the 150 horsepower, 21 foot long Nitro bass boat. We make our journey to the secret spot, hidden behind the big oak tree, that has been there before my dad, off the point of Rocky Bay.
Only thing on my mind, being a 7 year old, was how big it’ll be this time, not whether or not we’ll even catch one.
So much hopes and dreams coming from such a young kid. All for that one day of fishing at that secret spot where I couldn't wait to test out my brand new Spongebob fishing pole that always seemed to get the biggest fish.
Sometimes those hopes never worked out. Those were the days when it was 93 degrees and we stayed out there all day. Not catching even the smallest fish, after 7 hours of the same, slow repetition of casting, reeling, and waiting. Every once in a while, missing what everybody thought was the big one, but only the tough patch of weeds, ruining your rush of the catch.
Finally, the bite starts to come on, after the smarter one out of the group decides to change baits and everybody quickly changes to the same.
Now, the thought of the big trophy comes back to mind as everybody on the boat keeps reeling them in. Wondering, if today, was the day that one trophy becomes mine.
Then all of a sudden, the new kid next to me who has only caught one fish the whole day, hooks into a tiring, 30 minute fight with the monster I dreamt of being on my line all day.
Then I think, at least somebody got it, and maybe next time, that trophy will be mine.
Thats why I’m going again next week.

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