The Bottom of my Purse | Teen Ink

The Bottom of my Purse

February 13, 2014
By Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The things I carry in my purse

show that I am very prepared.

It is filled with everything I may need

and some things that are useless

to anyone except me.

You will find a phone charger and phone

for when I am lonely or need help.

My phone is filled with games to entertain me

and hundreds of useless contacts.

A few feminine products are in there

just in case.

But you don’t need details on those.

Cherry chapstick is included

because I have chronically dry lips.

Polar Ice Extra gum

is all that I will chew.

Of course, there are gum wrappers

because I’m too lazy to find a trash can.

My checkbook and wallet

because you never know

when money will be necessary.

I keep the receipts

to keep track of my spending

and balance my account.

My keys are sometimes there

but Robbie usually drives my car

so maybe not.

My name tag from work

on a stretchy pull cord

can be found at the bottom.

Spare change floats

in the bottom with my name tag.

If I’m lucky, there may be a hair tie

but usually not
especially when I need one.

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