Anorexia is a Disease, Not a Choice | Teen Ink

Anorexia is a Disease, Not a Choice

January 25, 2014
By MaddiWeed BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
MaddiWeed BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The mirror shows a girl to big, with thunder thighs and a waist to wide
So I skip a meal and look in the mirror, nothing changes
So I skip 2 and look in the mirror, nothing changes
I cut my calories, only 400 now, and nothing changes
I give up eating, my stomach pangs constantly, and I can barely move
But if I die tonight
At least I'll die beautiful right?

The author's comments:
Body dysmorphia and Anorexia is a real illness. It's frustrating, hating the very thing that keeps you alive. It's an obsession, with the possibility of spiraling horribly out of control. People need to understand that this life is not at all glamorous. It's a constant struggle between your mind and your body.

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