Daisy in the Spring | Teen Ink

Daisy in the Spring

January 22, 2014
By Kaitlyn Whitefoot SILVER, Oakland Township, Michigan
Kaitlyn Whitefoot SILVER, Oakland Township, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brightness, it almost blinds me, fixed
as if nothing were wrong.
More angelic than the others
with neutral silky saturation.
Standing taller than the others beaming
in the incandescent stream
reflecting droplets from last evenings drizzle.
Its dainty stem sways with the breeze
while the robins sing their morning ballad.
The sun slowly descends,
the meadow bathed in amaranth.
Brilliantly blended hues all
standing short, stout, stubby.
Wilting from lack of rain

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