Is it a Sin... | Teen Ink

Is it a Sin...

January 13, 2014
By EagleFlyer23 BRONZE, Great Barrington, Massachusetts
EagleFlyer23 BRONZE, Great Barrington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Is it a sin to tell you...
Ever since that first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew it was something different I felt.
I had never felt this way about someone before, so I knew it was something special.
When we pass each other, we make eye contact and resolve the slight build of tension with a little smile and a simple 'hello'.
But little did you know, those simple 'hello's were tearing me apart from the inside out.
When you walk in the room, my heart beats just a bit faster.
My eyes sneak a look in your direction, with the slightest amount of longing.
My eyes sneak a look in your direction, with the slightest amount of hope that you would notice me, if only for a second, just once would do.
Little did you know, those little smiles were creating such a big attraction.
You may know I think about the future quite often.
But little DO you know, my view of the future often include us.
Us walking down the street, hand in hand, turning heads, first with confusion, then with admiration.
I only wish you could see this with the slightest of understanding.
But things aren't this easy.
You don't see that I have such a strong longing to be with you.
I wish I could tell you how I feel.
But that will just complicate things.
You deserve better than me, but I deserve you.
Please, don't make this complicated.
I wish you could realize that this really is directed towards you.
That's my wish.
Is it a sin to tell you...

The author's comments:
I've never felt like this about anyone before. My feelings for a certain someone sparked my interest to write this piece, in hopes that they would realize it was them who I longed for all along.

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