The Mirrors Inside | Teen Ink

The Mirrors Inside

January 23, 2014
By Sydney Cordova BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
Sydney Cordova BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel like I’m not worth it anymore,
I know I always said life was an open door,
But it seems like the doors have closed,
It feels like my heart is on the floor,
Still beating but not feeling,
All I can do right now is cry,
What would happen if this was my goodbye?
If I had a funeral would anyone come?
Will they say good things if I go,
Or will they forget me and go on about their life’s?
I’ve stayed strong enough so far,
But will I just end up making more scars?
The wounds on my heart were almost healed,
What tore them open again right here?
And now I’m facing my biggest fear,
I want to die more with every tear,
I know you wouldn’t want to see me go,
But what if this is the path God chose?
I want to stay and fight,
But can I get through tonight?

I know I’ll get through tonight,
Because I learned not to go down without a fight,
The path God is choosing for me is still being chose,
People would care if I go,
I feel stronger after every tear shed,
Dying is still my biggest fear,
I’m sewing them back together,
The open wounds on my heart,
I will never ever make more scars,
I will stay as strong as I have so far,
No one will forget me I’ll make sure,
They will say good things when I go,
If I had a funeral everyone I knew would go,
This night will not be my final goodbye,
I can do so much more now that I’ve cried,
My heart is beating and feeling,
Now that it’s back in my chest,
The doors have opened once again,
And they will close no more,
Because I will know I’m worth it forever more.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this peice because I was having a bad day, and poems are my way of getting through those bad days.

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