Took too much | Teen Ink

Took too much

January 19, 2014
By TThatkidd95 BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
TThatkidd95 BRONZE, Palm Bay, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I am so clever that sometimes, I don't understand a single word of what I am saying."-Oscar Wilde

Im stuck between the past and future,
my mind spins all too fast.
I calm myself the only way I know how,
With my hand beneath my pants.
It's enough to get me high,
my moans,screams,and turns.
But as soon as it's rushed over,
Im in a new state with the same concerns.
A bottle in my dresser,
with a name that isn't mine.
I don't count, just take a handful,
maybe it will be enough this time.
Just to add to my weakness,
I'll chase it with a shot,
open the fridge shove my hand to the back,
Take out the only alcohol we've got.
I don't feel anything yet,
stuck with no return,
I hear the time tick away,
my brain still asking what I've learned.
I've got nothing new to say.
Im not as careless as I once was,
but the danger of freedom still has my name.
My parents would be worried,
so maybe I'll skip the lecture just leave a note,
They'd ask too many questions,
answers I couldn't know.
I feel it start to change me,
my eyes heavy with sin.
I think I took too much,
hells gates are welcoming me in.

The author's comments:
Im watching, Stuck In Love, and in a tired state of mind. Both got me to think a little darker and inspired me to write.

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