Paper | Teen Ink


January 16, 2014
By Irene Lee BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Irene Lee BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a piece of paper,
crumpled up,
and flattened out.
The wrinkles are permanent.
The scars are forever.
Nothing can erase them.

I am a piece of paper.
People draw and step all over me.
No matter how hard they erase,
there is always a trace,
of wounds that fester from within me.
The stars of my dreams
are now long washed away.
My hope deteriorates
and crumbles.

But now I am strong.
My dreams that were once torn,
can now be reborn.
The wounds are healed,
and the pain is gone.
Reminding me of my recovery,
my scars will always be a part of me.
No one can take me down,
for I am still standing on my ground.

The author's comments:
In middle school, I attended an assembly about bullying. During the assembly, a speaker provided us with the visual of a paper being crumpled. He unfolded it and showed us that the wrinkles in the paper were permanent. He said bullying leaves scars and traumatizing memories that are also permanent.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 19 2014 at 11:21 pm
This poem is bad? FALSE It is considerably good