You're The Lead | Teen Ink

You're The Lead

January 16, 2014
By iluv2h8u1 BRONZE, Norwalk, Connecticut
iluv2h8u1 BRONZE, Norwalk, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
History starts now.

No matter where you come from
This is where you are
And that won’t change
And you don’t want to be a star
You just want to be part of the show
But you’ve been cast as lead
And you don’t know how
It’s going to end
But it’ll be fine
And you’ll be fine
Because you’re the lead
And the lead is always fine
Sure you’ll get busted up
Or hurt
Or broken
But you’ll be fine
Because the lead is always fine
Your movie isn’t going away
It’s always there
And it’ll record every mistake
Every embarrassing moment
And every injury
But it’ll end up okay
Because you’ll be okay
Because you’re the lead
And the lead is always okay
And you’ll be amazing
Because the lead always is
And you’ll walk the red carpet
Smiling like you’re really happy
But you’re dying inside
Because it’s not how you imagined it
But you’re the lead
And the lead is always fine.

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