Bi-Polar | Teen Ink


January 7, 2014
By Anonymous

The voices started,
The visions taunted.
Anger was on the loose,
Sadness was steering abuse.
I drifted away,
Further by the day.
It was under my skin,
I felt pinned.
I heard them speak the unsaid,
I saw them bleed the cut they have not bled.
Hunger-pains I could not manage,
Even the pills could not bandage.
End it! End it! End it! They shouted.
My vision was clouded, and re-routed.
Unstable, they screamed.
Suddenly I awoke from the bad dream.
Emotion is the trigger,
That blows my brain into a killer.
It’s an infection,
That alters my reflection.

The author's comments:
I'm bi-polar, and anytime I get to depressed-- I start to hallucinate. One time, I got suicidal, and this is what happened. It's what makes me, me. It's my artistic muse, what makes my stories, my poems, and my art so twisted. It's what makes me different.

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