The Wretch and The Fallen | Teen Ink

The Wretch and The Fallen

January 7, 2014
By KindStranger SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
KindStranger SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.” -HL

I see you, in this abyss
Have you fallen too? How rude am I?!
I have not offered you greetings.
I'm busy you see.
Just being miserable ol' me.

I know the thing that quivers inside.
I know the thing that takes darkness as its lair.
Claws buried into hopeless minds.
It is the very thing you try to hide.
I know its name. I know it well. Despair.

I did not choose to play this role,
In a black chapel built upon
A tiresome lake of cold tears.
Its frame jutting sharply within your mind,
Cutting always cutting.

This infinite place is not measured
By years, distance or its character,
But by the fears held deep inside your core.
Unlike the raven who called, "Nevermore!"
I have more than one word of advise.

Spend that fraction of a moment,
When you are locked in the clutching vice,
Of your own world, of your own problems,
To give light to another's.
Let your sincerity shine into their deepest wound.

There are a million people to your one
That suffer also. For in their eyes, and not on their shoulders,
You will see the weight they carry.
Be that stranger who tells them,
"You suffer too, but not alone."

Unite! I, the miserable wretch,
Declare that No One should suffer alone.
Solitude is the greatest friend to Sadness.
Nay I Say! They should beware.
For a champion, a companion is near.

My advise has concluded.
Poor soul. Leave this dreary place.
You shine too bright, it hurts my eyes.
I wish you well, as I wished,
For a companion as well.

Take it and be gone.
I'd rather not see you here again.
Where there is no sun, light or wind
To expel these dismal feelings.
Take it and be gone.

The author's comments:
? ? ?
This world is so cold. Where are the friendly hello's? The kind smiles? The respectful nods? Have you seen my dear friends? They're called 'Courtesy' and 'Respect. Perhaps they'd like to come to 'Sympathy's funeral. I'm ticked off at the jerks that live on my planet. And then I'm sad that I, alone, cannot change it.

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