The Death of Day | Teen Ink

The Death of Day

November 27, 2013
By leakingmoonlight BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
leakingmoonlight BRONZE, Conroe, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Our journey as human beings is not about following a pre-ordained path, but about creating that path. Life rarely makes any more sense when things are done 'in order'. Life makes sense when we are centered in our hearts. -Peter Pan

The evanescence of the sun was depicted on the sky’s

The blend of colors smeared space, like an aurora.

The vast meadows danced with the howling wind.

Wilted grass swayed back and forth, making white noises of a song

only to be heard by the God of nature.

Across the field, the moon resurrected with a silvery glow.

The sun drowned below the distance as the night guardian waltzed along the midnight sky.

Falling stars hazed among the hollowness.

The flowers of the grasslands drifted away to sleep.

Thus, night has come.

The author's comments:
I hope people will realize the beauty of night through this:D The death of day is never a sorrowful death but an awaking to the beautiful birth of night.

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