New Day | Teen Ink

New Day

October 31, 2013
By ego98ortiz BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
ego98ortiz BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
-Ayn Rand

The sun shines clearly, and the sky is bright blue
The wind is singing a joyful song
That warms me from the inside out
I’m healing.

My body my and thoughts are ringing with new ideas
It’s a new day with strong fresh air that will clear my way
Taking away every sorrow and trouble

No more pain or sorrow
I will over come whatever attacks from side to side
I am ready

Like a cat hunting
Like an hawk stocking it pray
Like an strong eagle gliding in the rays of the sun
I am ready for whatever comes at me

Me myself and I, ready for a new day
A day that is god’s and mine
So that he could work through me and make me stronger

Today is our day
Just me and god and no one else
I am ready for what ever he has planned for me

For if god is by my side you is against me.
For he is the one who sees it all

I’m ready to
Attack, smile and laugh

Smile, laugh and pray it's my day today.

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