Another Victim | Teen Ink

Another Victim

October 23, 2013
By CroBrianna96 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
CroBrianna96 SILVER, Greensboro, North Carolina
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Another Victim
Society should be ashamed
You people act like this is a game
Another victim
Gone before our eyes
It really shouldn’t be a surprise
Questions run through my head
Lord why is Trayvon Martin dead?
Our skin this the same am I next?
I can’t help but feel somebody
Anybody should’ve helped
Trayvon Martin another fallen solider
When will this be over?
Unfairness prejudice
Racial injustices
Why is this world so cruel?
More African Americans
Has this become a rule?
Emit Till his whole world
Shot to hell why?
The color of his skin
The texture o his hair
The darkness of his pigment
Remember him?
Well it happened again
When will it stop?
The world may never know
Someone speak up
Be a voice for our angels
This is madness
A country united as none
What happened to being one?

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