A vaction to Heaven | Teen Ink

A vaction to Heaven

October 3, 2013
By Aracely SILVER, Grove, Oklahoma
Aracely SILVER, Grove, Oklahoma
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will take a wonderful vacation,
A vacation I was told about.
I don’t know what the place looks like yet.
I have faith; I will not doubt.
That place is heaven.
I later went to this place; boy you should have seen my face.
I saw the Lord, so amazing,
As he watches his angles soar through the sky watching over us.
Everything was so peaceful
So perfect,
So beautiful,
So bright.
I was in paradise.
It was finally time for me to come back from my vacation.
Although I loved the location and I did not want to leave,
I knew this would be my final destination.
At the end of my vacation, I realized that “Earth” is just temporary.
My final destination will be heaven and my salvation.
I will have eternal life.
Everyone will have so much affection; it is impossible for it not to be perfection.

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