I know that you love me | Teen Ink

I know that you love me

September 30, 2013
By LizzyStarr SILVER, Numa, Iowa
LizzyStarr SILVER, Numa, Iowa
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You tug on the leg of my pants,
And start speaking some sort of gibberish.

I bend down to pick you up,
As you begin to hug me hard.

I love the moments like these,
When I know that you love me.

We head into the house,
To show your mom the picture you made.

You run towards your Mom,
And show her the picture.

You stand on your tip toes and whisper in her ear,
Speaking a language that only she can understand.

Then you run to me,
And hand me my new picture.

I love the moments like these,
When I know that you love me.

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