Heartless Witch | Teen Ink

Heartless Witch

September 29, 2013
By BrooklynBeauty SILVER, Virginia Beach, Virginia
BrooklynBeauty SILVER, Virginia Beach, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you believe you can achieve.<br /> Your dreams can come true.

She sat there surrounded by people she cared about and people she thought were her friends. She listened to everything they were saying. Until she heard the words that would change the way she looked at herself. She sat there innocent as she could be. When the woman that she cared about said the worst words ever, “You look and dress like a Hooker”. She sat there staring at her like she didn’t know her any more. Instead of seeing the woman she cared about standing in front of her, she saw a woman with dark blood red hair, a laugh that made most kids cower away, and a woman with a heart of Pure Evil. She saw not a loving person, but a Heartless Witch.

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