The Boy With A Broken Heart | Teen Ink

The Boy With A Broken Heart

September 22, 2013
By Sydney Cordova BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
Sydney Cordova BRONZE, Cypress, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He cries himself asleep,
In his dreams his soul weeps
Too young to know what to do,
He never knows when to shoo
He is too afraid to speak out,
But he knows without a doubt
Someone cares when he cries,
They want to sing him lullabies.
His soul so fragile, must be mended
Though he wishes sometimes his life would have ended
And he wishes and falls apart,
He is the boy with a broken heart.

I am the person who cares when he cries,
And wants to sing him lullabies
My only wish for him someday
Is that I can heal the wounds that stay
On his small heart, so torn
Dear God, let me sew them back once more.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by a boy that messaged me on my Facebook page, Lower The Number. He was, and is, going through a very hard time.

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