Dark actor | Teen Ink

Dark actor

September 7, 2013
By indian-chick BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
indian-chick BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
for every action there is an oppisite reaction

I am an actor who holds darkness at heart.
I wonder why judgement is as sharp as the knife that draws blood.
I hear the sorrow of those who hide.
I see the anger that blooms from the black heart.
I want a world that accepts me for who I am.
I am an actor who holds darkness at heart.
I pretend to be positive and carefree.
I feel the stab of cruel words in my heart.
I touch the hidden cruelty that lies about.
I worry how long I will survive this facade.
I cry from the misery that fogs my mind
I am an actor that holds darkness at heart.
I understand that everything has a place in the world.
I say evil will never die.
I dream of the distant light.
I hope to survive this joke called life.
I am an actor that holds darkness at heart

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