Idle Rats | Teen Ink

Idle Rats

August 30, 2013
By The_-_Vigilante SILVER, Glen Allen, Virginia
The_-_Vigilante SILVER, Glen Allen, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

First trine, last to shine
indifferent to Time but hell-bent to multiply

It stands by the gallows, the guillotine, the gutter
never a vagrant in the charnel house as corpses hear them and shudder

Feet treading on a tabula rasa
sloth is no sin to them

Hunter-gatherer with no bow
garbage never required pursuit

Yet they scurry when the sun shoots arrows
only their feet hurry

I want to keep two, I said - in a sandalwood box
under my bed, where I keep my idle feet

Idle mice with idle feet, thank heavens when the two meet
they can rest harder when they take a seat


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